I've been missing the last couple of days, which has really put a damper on this whole "post everyday" thing.
The truth is, I haven't been very inspired about the prompts. They're incredibly introspective, and I have a wall built around me when it comes those things. It's not that they're bad prompts, just that they're not making me excited to write.
Plus, I've got this crazy thing called a job.
And I'm applying for this other crazy thing called graduate school.
And I have a class that I'm about four chapters behind in (and hey! finals are next week).
So, if I'm going to put time and energy into a post, I'm going to want to be in love with the topic.
I'm going to want to feel the need, the desire, and the pull to write.
And so, if I'm moved to answer one of the prompts, then I shall. If not?
Well... I'll be curled up in the corner, trying to survive the holiday season in retail and my academic induced panic attacks.
(Please: send me pretty things.)